Some Things Never Change

Image result for sao paulo
Sao Paulo skyline Photo from

Growing up, I lived in one of the top 5 largest cities in the world, Sao Paulo.  There are several advantages of living in a large city, including a proximity to arts and entertainment, job availability, and easy access to education, of course these amenities come with a price.  The air, sound, and visual pollution, the fast pace of a city that never sleeps, and the complete disconnect with nature can easily take its toll.  I am not quite sure how my parents were able to adapt to city life since they were both born, and at least partially raised in smaller farming communities.  As for me, as soon as I became old enough to go places on my own or with friends, the weekends became “get out of the city” days.

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We'd park here and explore the area. Photo from Wikimedia Commons

On Saturday mornings, we would go up the hills that separated the city from the beach, unlike many other people, my friends and I did not feel the need to continue down the other side of the hill, we liked to explore the hills and hike up to the waterfalls.  What I remember the most is how breathing was so refreshing.  The air smelled like nothing I experienced in the city; I remember thinking it tasted like freedom. 

Sulphur OK

I find interesting how somethings never change.  Many years later, I now live in the suburbs surrounding Oklahoma City, the easy access to jobs and local events are somewhat comforting to me, however weekends are still “get out of the city” days when I can completely recharge by connecting with nature.  My husband and I even started a little airbnb in Sulphur, OK to help share our love for the outdoors with others.
